Discover the Benefits of Having Your Drains Cleaned Before the Holidays
Between shopping, cooking vast amounts of food, and giving your house a deep cleaning, there’s a lot to do to prepare for the holidays. This is especially true if you’ll be hosting guests. However, of all the things on your seasonal to-do list, nothing is more important than taking care of the plumbing in your Tucson, Arizona home. Scheduling drain cleaning service today will ensure that your sinks, showers, and bathtubs are in excellent working order. Read on to discover some of the impressive benefits of having your drains cleaned before the holidays actually arrive.
Avoid the Last-Minute Rush to Find a Good Plumber
Blocked drains can drive your holiday celebrations to a grinding halt. It’s all but impossible to cook a massive feast when your kitchen sink is backed up. If you have overnight guests, they won’t want to stand in showers that place them ankle-deep in stagnant, discolored water.
Drain cleaning services are an essential part of your ongoing plumbing maintenance. To keep your drains functioning optimally, you should schedule drain cleaning at least once each year. However, when you schedule drain cleaning before you’ve got a full, busy house, it’s also one of the most cost-effective forms of prevention you can leverage.
Rather than having blocked drains turn into serious issues at night, on the weekend, or on an official holiday, you can have a licensed plumber catch and correct developing problems before they spiral out of control. Taking care of fast-mounting issues in advance is far cheaper than paying for after-hours service. It can also mean being able to work with a company that you know and trust, rather than having to make do with the first open plumbing business you can find in a pinch.
Enjoy a Clean, Fresh-Smelling Home
Dirty, slow-moving drains are a health hazard. Standing, stagnant water harbors bacteria and countless other illness-causing pathogens. All the bleach, ammonia, and other sanitizing agents that you normally use won’t do much good if your drains can’t be cleared.
Cooking in a kitchen with blocked or slow-moving drains greatly increases the likelihood of foodborne illness. You can’t effectively wash your fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, or meat in a sink that’s coated in germs. Not only is this unsanitary, but it can also make holiday food preparation infinitely more challenging and time-consuming than it already is.
There’s also the issue of unpleasant drain odors. Both standing water and in-drain buildup of grime can quickly develop a rank, pungent smell that permeates the entire home. You can add sanitizing and deodorizing agents to standing water and drains to temporarily beat foul odors back, but these products won’t make your kitchen or bathrooms any healthier, safer, or more pleasant to be in. The only way to truly sanitize and deodorize your home when blocked or slow-moving drains are a problem is by having these important plumbing features cleaned out.
Avoid the Frustration and Embarrassment of Drain Gnats
Drain gnats are frequently recognized as a spring and summertime problem. These bugs are incredibly resilient, but they’re also extremely sensitive to cold temperatures. Unfortunately, outside temperatures rarely get low enough in Tucson to cause these pests to hibernate. If they do, most households have their heating systems on and enjoy fairly consistent indoor temperatures. Thus, despite what you’ve been told, drain gnats can be a year-round issue in your home.
These flies feed on food and general filth that’s built up in pipes and drain catches. If you’ve got dirty drains, they’ll find plenty of sustenance to flourish. Unfortunately, pouring bleach or baking soda and white vinegar mixtures down your drains won’t eliminate or deter them. Drain gnats can even survive copious amounts of boiling hot water. The only sure way to get them out of your sinks and from flying around in your living space is by eliminating their food source. Clean, fresh-smelling drains won’t harbor these pests for long. Rather than entertaining with a number of annoying, small-sized flies in your home, schedule a drain cleaning service before the holidays roll in.
Protect Your Pipes
Store-bought drain cleaners often fly off store shelves during the holidays. Many homeowners who’ve overlooked annual drain maintenance use these corrosive solutions in an effort to side-step the high costs of paying for emergency plumbing services. Unfortunately, they rarely ever work. Most drain cleaners contain chemicals that are strong enough to eat through pipes, but not effective enough to eliminate all clogs. When they don’t clear blocked or slow-moving drains, store-bought drain cleaners can cause serious plumbing damage as they fester in pipes. Taking care of developing blockages before they completely inhibit water movement is always the cheapest way to go.
Take Care of Other Plumbing Concerns
Do you have a toilet that won’t stop running or a sink that won’t stop dripping? Are you concerned that one of your appliances has a slow, hidden leak? Is your water pressure too high or too low? These are all issues that your plumber can address when cleaning your drains.
Drain cleaning services are often performed as part of homeowners’ annual, whole-house plumbing inspections. Scheduling an appointment to have your drains cleaned right now will eliminate the need to keep other troublesome issues on the back burner. During your appointment, we can make sure that all aspects of your home’s plumbing system are working as they should. Being able to catch and correct developing plumbing issues early on often means being able to pay far less to resolve them.
Avoid Water Damage
Dirty, blocked drains might not seem like a huge concern if water is still moving out, but dirty drains are usually just one step away from becoming major clogs. Debris that’s causing water to move slowly through your pipes will invariably collect more debris over time. Before you know it, you might have a burst pipe or an overflowing sink, tub, or shower pan to contend with. The consequences of not clearing your drains before major blockages arrive can include damaged flooring, damaged ceilings on the first floor of your home, ruined baseboards, and more.
Stay Compliant
Water damage caused by blocked drains may or may not be a covered issue. Most home insurance policies and home warranties require homeowners to stay on top of drain maintenance. If you haven’t had professional plumbing maintenance performed in a while, your insurer may refuse to cover any of the resulting building damage. Finding out that you’ve just been stuck with a hefty water damage repair bill can certainly ruin your holiday celebrations.
Get More Enjoyment From Your Home
Clogged drains can make using your kitchen and bathrooms a miserable experience. Even if you’re not hosting guests this holiday season, you still want the ability to take long, hot showers of your own. If your kitchen sink is backed-up, filled with drain gnats, or rank with the smell of standing water, food preparation can go from a relaxing, cathartic experience to a frustrating one.
Drain cleaning services are relatively inexpensive, especially when you consider the problems and property damage that they’re capable of preventing. They’re also quick and convenient. As such, the time, effort, and money that you spend to make sure that your drains are well-maintained are more than worthwhile. When this work is done, your bathrooms and kitchens will be cleaner, fresher-smelling, and more enjoyable for you and other household residents to use.
At Fusion Plumbing & Air, we’ve been proudly serving homeowners in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona for many years. We offer residential heating and cooling system installation, repairs, and maintenance. We also provide drain and sewer line cleaning, water filtration, and commercial HVAC services. To start your holiday season off right, give us a call today!